Alignment, anticipation, adaptation or lagging behind? Age-based regulations in assisted reproduction and late fertility

The BIC.Late project data base features data on IVF access & funding and more ART laws in Europe. The data is illustrated in interactive maps and can be downloaded here.

Age Limit for IVF Access in European countries and others

Age Limit for IVF Funding in European countries and others

Extension of Medically Assisted Reproduction to Single and Lesbian Women

Details on the sources by country in:

Compans, M., & Zagel, H. (2024). “Medically assisted reproduction and non-normative family forms: legislation and public opinion in Europe”, accepted version for European Societies,

Compans, M-C., 2024, “Alignment, anticipation, adaptation or lagging behind? Age-based regulations in assisted reproduction and late fertility”, Population and Development Review,